Today, technology is changing rapidly. The new ones might not be the best in the coming days. Many companies are making new technologically wise gadgets for the vast market. I am in the technology business. I create computer units for my Internet cafe. I have the specific specs for each unit and that specs must be followed or else, I cannot clone the hard disks for every unit I create. I made contacts with several computer shops for the specs and everything is available. The following week, I would make a purchase again but to my surprise, the specs that I am using are already obsolete. I really cannot believe that it was obsolete already.
I tried several other shops and tell told me that no more specs for the units that I make. Changing technology can be very costly, especially for those who don't update their computers. My computer technicians are even surprise about this. I know that technology moves fast but not this fast. I really need to change the specs for the next batch of computers that I will be creating.